Sounds of Leesburg's Pine Woods (2023)
“Sounds of Leesburg’s Pine Woods” captures the pine woods of Leesburg, Florida, in September of 2023. With field recordings taken throughout various points in the day, a hearty collection of various animals and environmental elements was captured auditorially. In doing so, listeners can experience the natural soundscapes of this location throughout the day, each time point holding a unique expression of the environment.

A Dose of Nostalgia with the Nintendo DS (2023)
A sound-enriched podcast episode with various interviews intercut with sound design work to enhance the content.
Fallout 3 Soundscape (2023)
Artificial soundscape project created to emulate the atmosphere of the video game Fallout 3
A Map of Virtue Theater Production Sound Design (2023)
A sample of a portion of the sound design done for Stetson Univerisity's theater production of A Map of Virtue.

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