In my sophomore year of high school, I took a chance in joining the Culinary Arts department after witnessing the teacher's grit and demeanor at a school event. This teacher was Chef John Bell, a renowned Chef and incredible person. In Chef Bell's class, I gained valuable experiences and lessons that built me into a better worker, leader, and person. From late night catering events to running our own café at the school, myself and fellow students gained influential experiences that grew us as individuals. I owe my life to Chef Bell as he saved me when I had my sudden death experience. Without him, many of the stories listed here would not have been possible.
Thank you Chef Bell

Chef Bell and I at my graduation

The 2019 Culinary Arts senior class wearing shirts I designed of Chef Bell's face
The 2019 Culinary Arts senior class wearing shirts I designed of Chef Bell's face
Chef Bell, fellow students, and myself at a catering event with Apa Sherpa, the man with the record for the most climbs up Mount Everest
Chef Bell, fellow students, and myself at a catering event with Apa Sherpa, the man with the record for the most climbs up Mount Everest

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